Research & Documentation
As a regional Network, one of the objectives of AfricaNPUD is to promote evidence-based research and documentation on Human Right issues affecting PWUDs in Africa.
For 2021, AfricaNPUD plans to Engage A consultant to conduct a 4 month’s research and Documentation on Human Rights violations issues on PWUIDs countries members of AfricaNPUD, and produce a regional study on human’s rights for PWUDs.

Regional and national surveys on Drug Use and Health have been done across the continent of Africa and reports generated with a range of recommendations that seek to promote the views of people who use drugs in Africa through community empowerment and advocacy on issues directly affecting PWUDs in Africa.
These surveys have been done with collaborations between people who use drugs (PWUDs) and researchers and whose findings have been very helpful towards community-led harm reduction interventions and good health experienced by PWUDs.
In this regard, people who use drugs play a critical role in identifying emerging issues in the drug market, as well as associated health behaviors and outcomes. It is therefore important for PWUD to meaningfully participate in all aspects of the research process, including development of research questions, conceptualization of study design, and contextualization of findings to develop evidence-based harm reduction interventions.
AfricaNPUD as a regional Network with the objective to promote evidence-based research and documentation on Human Right issues affecting PWUDs in Africa conducted a Peer review on illicit substances survey in Sub-Saharan Africa.