The formation of AfricaNPUD is underpinned by the principle of “Meaningful Involvement of People who Use Drugs” in Africa.
AfricaNPUD is a forum for Africa People who use drugs (PWUD) under the umbrella of INPUD (International Network of People who Use drugs). Guided by the principles in the Vancouver Declaration 2006, ‘Nothing For Us, Unless By Us’.
AfricaNPUD seeks to promote the views of Africans who use drugs through empowering the community of PWUDs to advocate across national and global fora on issues directly affecting PWUDs in Africa. AfricaNPUD strongly supports The Vancouver Declaration and INPUD Consensus Statement that sets out the demands of people who use drugs, emphasizing that their human rights must be respected and their health and well-being prioritized globally as members of the society irrespective of their drug habits. We believe that people who use drugs, are members of society and should be meaningfully represented in decision-making processes that affect our lives in Africa.
Between 2015 – till date, AfricaNPUD has expanded its coast of community ownership and engagement to all emerging National drug user groups across west, eastern and southern Africa.